Research and Innovation are key factors in combating degenerative diseases in the eye
The Breakfast La Salle celebrated this morning was focused on research and innovation as a key factor in combating degenerative diseases in the eye.
The conference was led by Dr. Jordi Monés, director of the Barcelona Macula Foundation and the Institute of the Macula and Retina at the Teknon Medical Center.
The 20 years of research, design and conduct of clinical trials, and treat patients every day, sharing and living close to their suffering serious vision loss and blindness, have committed to Dr. Monés and his team for a long time to fight to change the situation and improve the quality of life of people suffering from these diseases, in many cases incurable.
This commitment has been encouraged to create as Founder Patron’s “Barcelona Macula Foundation:Research for Vision”, to strengthen research and innovation in these degenerative diseases of the retina to which we can not offer any treatment, and who are orphans of funding.
This is aclear commitment to the environment synergies in biotechnology and biomedicine. The goal is to structure new therapeutic approaches based on gene and cell therapy, tissue engineering and biomaterials applied to these therapies linked to academic and research institutions nationally and internationally.