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The B·Debate, at the Foundation’s annual meeting

The Board of Trustees of the BMF held its annual meeting on Tuesday at which the Medical Director, Dr. Jordi Monés, explained the evolution of the European projects in which the Foundation forms part. He also set out the latest developments of other research projects such as iPSC, TopGene and Cortivis, which are led by consortia of internationally-recognised research centres. As well as learning about the status of these pioneering research programmes in retinal degenerative diseases, the trustees were made aware of the latest developments regarding the B-Debate scientific forum which the BMF is organising for early September.

The Foundation is promoting the Days of Reflection and Debate: Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Restoration. This involves an initiative headed by Dr. Monés himself – who is considered to be the event’s scientific leader-, together with Lluís Serrano (Centre for Genomic Regulation) and Joan Parra (Leitat Foundation). Fighting Blindness. Future Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Restoration forms part of the B·Debate (Barcelona Debate) sessions. These are high-level international monographic scientific congresses that encompass all the disciplines and are an initiative of Biocat and La Caixa Social Foundation.

The 2015 annual accounts and the 2016 budgets were also approved at the meeting of the BMF’s Board of Trustees.

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