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Psychological Support Service

A Psychological Support Service led by a psychologist and psychotherapist specialised in adjustment to visual deficiency and low vision.

The substantial or severe loss of eyesight, resulting in what is referred to as “low vision” or the possibility of suffering from this in the near future, comes along with a certain degree of stress. Sometimes that stress can be intense, given the need to adapt to new visual limitations and to the obvious repercussions on different areas of the person’s life. Those suffering from visual impairment may need to acquire certain devices, knowledge or skills to adapt effectively to this new situation.


This is a psychological support service led by a psychologist and psychotherapist specialised in adjusting to visual deficiency and low vision. With the right kind of emotional support and psychological care, it is easier for people to handle their visual pathology and to adapt to its possible consequences. This service helps those affected to take on a resourceful attitude, while promoting learning and skills that help to enhance their independence in every aspect of their lives.

Services offered through this programme:

  • Personal attention
  • Self-help groups
  • Advice for professionals

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