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The Barcelona Macula Foundation joins the fight against smoking

Tomorrow, 31 May, is World No Tobacco Day. This annual commemoration is aimed at making the population aware of the importance of caring for their health and quitting this unhealthy habit.

According to World Health Organisation figures, tobacco consumption is the principal cause of death in the world. Currently, tobacco kills each year 6 million people, of which over 600,000 are passive smokers. Moreover, these figures are increasing.

Tobacco is also one of the principal cases of eye problems, which can be avoided by not smoking. “This is the case of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), both in its exudative and atrophic forms. Although these cannot be prevented, greater incidence has been noted in smokers. One’s eye health would improve considerably by kicking the habit”, says Dr. Jordi Monés, the Medical Director of the Barcelona Macula Foundation.

Dr. Monés is also the Director of the Medical and Performance Area at FC Barcelona and for some years has collaborated in a series of initiatives that include the fight against tobacco. He was a prime mover in making the Camp Nou the first stadium to prohibit smoking on its premises.

“We know that tobacco has an adverse effect on our lives and on those who are close to us. The onus is on all of us, especially medical professionals, to make our patients aware of the effect of this drug as well as to promote efficient projects that reduce its consumption” Dr. Monés states.

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